
November, 2022

Starting Jan 2023, Bedrich Benes will be editor-in-chief of Graphical Models.

November, 2022

Mathieu Gaillard defended his PhD thesis “3D reconstruction of Sorghum Plants for High-Throughput Phenotyping” on November 2

August, 2022

Xiaochen Zhou had an internship about human body reconstruction at Microsoft Research during summer 2022.

August, 2022

Jae Joong Lee had an internship at Samsung Electronics during summer 2022

August, 2022

Yizhi (David) Song had a research internship at Adobe during summer 2022

May, 2022

Two new faculty members will be joining our group starting August 2022! Dr. Aniket Bera (from UMD and from UNC Chapel Hill) as an Associate Professor, and Dr. Raymond Yeh (from Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago and UIUC) as an Assistant professor.

April, 2022

We got a paper accepted to ACM Transactions on Graphics - Procedural Urban Forestry

April, 2022

Benes has been elected a Fellow of the Eurographics Association for Computer Graphics (See the news on EG website)

April, 2022

Lab member and now Dr. Xiaowei Zhang successfully defended his thesis “Using Structural Regularities for a Procedural Reconstruction of Urban Environments from Satellite Imagery”.

April, 2022

Popescu gave an invited talk at the Indiana Orthopaedic Society Annual Meeting.

April, 2022

We presented 2 papers at Eurographics 2022.

April, 2022

Graduate student Chris May was awarded Raymond Boyce Graduate Teaching Award!

March, 2022

Aliaga gave an invited talk at Univ. Nacional San Agustin in Arequipa, Peru about computational archaeology.

February 11, 2022

Our paper about Perceived Terrain Realism Metric got published in ACM TaP.

January 10, 2022

VR Haptics paper accepted at IEEE VR 2022.

January 3, 2022

Bedrich Benes has transferred full-time to the CS department.

January, 2022

Xiaochen Zhou got an internship at Microsoft Research

January, 2022

We have a paper accepted to Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres

December, 2021

We received grant to perform Image-Based Vision Correction.

December, 2021

We got Eurographics 2022 paper accepted.

October, 2021

Our soft shadow project is selected to be shown in this year’s Adobe max: See the YouTube video.

October 8, 2021

AlterEcho wins “Best Student-Led Conference Paper Award” at ISMAR 2021.

October 4, 2021

Two papers to be presented at ISMAR 2021.

September, 2021

We received NSF Grant to perform Computational Archaeology (Link to the news report)

September, 2021

We have a paper accepted to Environmental Research Letters.

August 2021

We got three papers accepted at SIGGRAPH Asia.

March 2021

We got one paper accepted at CVPR with oral presentation.