Interacting agents with memory in virtual ecosystems
Bedrich Benes
Javier Abdul Cordoba
Juan Miguel Soto
Journal of WSCG - 2003
Journal of WSCG - 2003
Benes, Bedrich, et al. “Interacting Agents with Memory in Virtual Ecosystems.” Journal of WSCG, V{\'a}clav Skala-UNION Agency, 2003.
title = {Interacting agents with memory in virtual ecosystems},
author = {Benes, Bedrich and Cordoba, Javier Abdul and Soto, Juan Miguel},
year = {2003},
booktitle = {Journal of WSCG},
publisher = {V{\'a}clav Skala-UNION Agency},
image = {Benes-2003-Interacting_agents_with_memory_in_virtual_ecosystems-thumbnail.jpg},
pdf = {Benes-2003-Interacting_agents_with_memory_in_virtual_ecosystems.pdf}