Towards robust kinematic synthesis of mechanical systems
Elisha Sacks
Leo Joskowicz
Ralf Schultheiss
M Kyung
Geometric product specification and Verification: Integration of Functionality - 2003
Geometric product specification and Verification: Integration of Functionality - 2003
---. “Towards Robust Kinematic Synthesis of Mechanical Systems.” Geometric Product Specification and Verification: Integration of Functionality, Springer, 2003, pp. 135–44, doi:10.1007/978-94-017-1691-8_14.
title = {Towards robust kinematic synthesis of mechanical systems},
author = {Sacks, Elisha and Joskowicz, Leo and Schultheiss, Ralf and Kyung, M},
booktitle = {Geometric product specification and Verification: Integration of Functionality},
pages = {135--144},
year = {2003},
publisher = {Springer},
doi = {10.1007/978-94-017-1691-8_14},
pdf = {Sacks-Geometric_product_specification_and_verification-2003-Towards_robust_kinematic_synthesis_of_mechanical_systems.pdf}