Sea of images
Daniel G Aliaga
Thomas Funkhouser
Dimah Yanovsky
Ingrid Carlbom
IEEE Visualization, 2002. VIS 2002. - 2002
IEEE Visualization, 2002. VIS 2002. - 2002
---. “Sea of Images.” IEEE Visualization, 2002. VIS 2002., IEEE, 2002, pp. 331–38, doi:10.1109/VISUAL.2002.1183792.
title = {Sea of images},
author = {Aliaga, Daniel G and Funkhouser, Thomas and Yanovsky, Dimah and Carlbom, Ingrid},
booktitle = {IEEE Visualization, 2002. VIS 2002.},
pages = {331--338},
year = {2002},
organization = {IEEE},
doi = {10.1109/VISUAL.2002.1183792},
image = {Aliaga-IEEE-2003-Sea_of_Images.jpg},
pdf = {Aliaga-IEEE-2003-Sea_of_Images.pdf}